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[Sticky] Forum Rules

1 Posts
1 Users
21.3 K Views
Member Admin
Joined: 19 years ago
Posts: 14
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1. Ensure that your new topics are in the correct forum.

Club Announcements - Announcements of activities, member births or illness, and club meetings.

Club Questions and Answers - Questions or discussion about all other club related information.

Gold Prospecting - Any discussion involving the Gold Prospecting in General.

Links to other activities such as outings from other groups are encouraged, but absolutely NO advertising of a commercial nature other than new mining properties or outings.

New mining properties can be listed, however the listing is one time only. No multiple posts allowed. Please be considerate and keep the listing as short as possible, but be sure and include directions, hours of operation, and contact information. Also please do not list equipment in the post unless it is for rental purposes ONLY.

Tip and Tricks - Any helpful tips or tricks that other can use in helping find Gold.

Items for Sale - NO COMMERCIAL ADVERTISING! Be sure and list a complete description, price, where the item is located, and contact information. Once the item is sold, be considerate and repost that it is no longer available.

Wanted to Buy - Items that you are interested in purchasing.

Plans For Equipment - Plans or links to websites for equipment plans. NO COMMERCIAL ADVERTISING!

2. Do not post topics or replies containing:

On February 3, 2018 the Board of Directors made a motion to not allow any campaign messages on the forum by any member

Subjects which have already been discussed numerous times (please look first)

Flames directed towards other users (these will be deleted by the moderators immediately, never to see the light of day)

Any derogatory comments based on age, gender, race, ethnicity or nationality (which will be met with a swift email and possible action from the board of directors)

No swearing or other abuse will be tolerated!

Remember, everyone and anyone can read these forums. Lets all try to be polite. The forums and chat are sometimes the first impression that new members make of the club.

3. Do not post spam.

Spam includes advertisements, content deemed inappropriate or
illegal, and flooding of the boards

Spammers will receive a swift email and prompt deletion of the

4. Do not make needless, incessant usage of:

Line breaks or ALL-CAPS


5. Do not argue with the enforcement of the above rules.

If the moderators tell you to comply with one of these rules, you must comply

The moderators have the final say in what may or may not be posted.

We are pretty lenient and will send an email telling you why something was not posted if you are signed in or have an email address in your post. Fix the post to comply with the rules and we will be happy to put it on the boards.

6. Enjoy the WEGM Community Forums!

This site is family friendly. We hope you will read it and post your ideas and questions.

If you have any problems, just make a post in the appropriate
forum, and somebody will be glad to help you.

The moderators are here to make everyone's visit more enjoyable, so if you experience any problems with abusive users, please tell a moderator.

Clicking the moderators name from the main page then clicking the email or private message symbols above their name will let you send a message to that Moderator.


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